funded projects
together for better hearing

Since its establishment in 2006, the Hear the World Foundation supports aid projects benefiting people in need with hearing loss worldwide. The focus particularly lies with projects for children with hearing loss, enabling them to develop to their fullest potential. Here is an overview of all our projects.
All projects Hear the World supported since 2006
- Africa/India, partner: Sound Seekers Ltd., 2013, support to recycle hearing aid technology to reuse it.
- Armenia, partner: University Childrens Hospital Zurich, since 2010, financial, technological and professional support to ensure comprehensive audiological care in a hospital. Read more
- Australia, partner: Grow Smart Foundation, 2012-2013, funding of an awareness program to prevent hearing loss in young adults.
- Brazil, partner: Sorocaba Association for Hearing Impaired Children (APADAS), 2016-2018, capacity building in comprehensive pediatric audiological care. Read more
- Brazil, partner: Centro Audição na Criança – CeAC, 2014-2016, funding of a program assisting and advising partents of children with hearing loss.
- Brazil, partner: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Speech Therapy Department, 2015, funding and expertise to improve the speech therapy program.
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, partner: Association for Support of Children with Hearing and Speech Impairment (EHO), 2017-2018, wireless microphone systems for better hearing for school children with hearing loss. Read more
- Cambodia, partner: All Ears Cambodia, since 2010, funding, hearing aids and expertise to prevent hearing loss and to provide comprehensive audiological care. Read more
- Cameroon/Gambia/Malawi/Sierra Leone/Zambia, partner: Sound Seekers Ltd., 2014-2016, funding, technology and expertise to build up sustainable audiological services. Read more
- Canada, partner: Northern B.C. Children and Families Hearing Society, 2011-2013, funding to support integration program for children with hearing loss.
- Canada, partner: Better Hearing in Education for Northern Youth (BHENY), 2016-2018, wireless microphone systems for better hearing in class rooms. Read more
- Canada, partner: Hearing Foundation of Canada, 2009/2011, funding to support country-wide hearing loss prevention program. Read more
- Dominican Republic, partner: Centro Cristiano de Servicios Médicos, since 2010, funding, technology and expertise to build up comprehensive audiological care including newborn hearing screening and speech therapy. Read more
- Dominican Republic, partner: EARS Inc., 2010, 2011, 2013, training of experts and donation of hearing aid technology to help people with hearing loss.
- Equador, partner: Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss, 2016-2018, funding of expert training in pediatric audiology. Read more
- Fiji, partner: Carabez Alliance, 2010, funding to open up the first ear clinic on the island.
- Germany, partner: Bundesjugend im Deutschen Schwerhörigenbund, 2010, support of the summer camp for children and young adults with hearing loss.
- Germany, partner: Hör-Sprachzentrum Neckargemünd, 2012, funding of a students exchange for young adults with hearing loss.
- Georgia, partner: IMEDI - Help for Georgia, 2011-2013, hearing aids to integrate children with hearing loss.
- Ghana, partner: University of Ghana, Department of Audiology, Speech and Language, 2015-2016, funding and technology for a practice laboratory to improve the training of audiology students. Read more
- Guatemala, partner: Orejitas Felices, 2012, funding to train local staff in pediatric audiology and hearing aid technologies for children in need. Read more
- Guatemala, partner: Healing the Children, 2016, donation of high-quality diagnostic equipment to enable early detection of hearing loss and sustainable care. Read more
- Haiti, partner: Commissioned Belivers Deaf Ministry (CBDM), since 2012, access to audiological care and speech therapy for children with hearing loss and their families. Read more
- Iran, partner: Asib Pazir Toos, 2015-2016, funding and expertise to support chidren in need with severe hearing loss.
- India, partner: The Sylvia Wright Trust, since 2014, technology and expertise to provide school children with hearing aids and to train local experts in audiological care so that the children have access follow up care and speech therapy. Read more
- India, partner: Partners for a Greater Voice, since 2017, training programs to build up pediatric audiological knowledge and empower local project staff.
- Jamaica, partner: University of the West Indies, 2011, funding to support first master program in audiology.
- Kenya, partner: Cargo Human Care, 2008, funding, technology and expertise to set up a hearing center in Nairobi.
- Kiribati, partner: School and Centre for Children with Special Needs, since 2015, funding and hearing aids to ensure comprehensive audiological care for children in need. Read more
- Lebanon, partner: KATAHO, since 2017, hearing screenings and hearing aid fittings for Syrian children living in refugee camps in Lebanon.
- Malawi, partner: EARS Inc., 2014-2017, funding, technology and expertise to build up comprehensive audiological care services. Read more
- Mexico, partner: Centro Oaxaqueño de Rehabilitación de Audición y Lenguaje (CORAL), 2014, funding of audiological training for local staff to improve audiological services. Read more
- Mexico, partner: ARSOBO, Arizona Sonora Border Projects, 2014, funding and technology to provide people in need with hearing aids with solar-power battery charging devices.
- Moldova, partner: Special School for Children with Hearing Impairment and Late Deafness no. 12, 2016-2018, funding and hearing aid technology to give school children better access to education. Read more
- Mongolia, partner: Global Foundation For Children With Hearing Loss, since 2017, building capacity by training local staff in pediatric audiology to help children with hearing loss.
- Myanmar, partner: Mandalay School for the Deaf, since 2017, hearing aid technology and funding to help school children with hearing loss to hear again.
- Nicaragua, partner: Mayflower Medical Outreach Inc., 2014, funding to train local staff in audiometry.
- Nigeria/Malawi/South Africa, partner: Children Care Consortium, 2010, funding of a telemedicine system to provide people in remote areas with audiological care.
- Panama, partner: Fundación Pro Integración (FUNPROI), since 2013, ear medical care, hearing aids, cochlear implants and speech therapy for children in need. Read more
- Peru, partner: World Wide Hearing Foundation, 2016-2018, funding and expertise to conduct hearing screenings to round 30'000 school children accross Peru. Read more
- Peru, partner: CBM Switzerland, 2016, funding of a course for teachers, social workers and hearing healthcare professionals to fill the gap of a non-existing national hearing healthcare program. Read more
- Rwanda, partner: Rwandan Disabled People are Rehabilitated and Reintegrated in their Rights (HRD), 2010, funding for early detection of hearing loss and audiological care.
- South Africa, partner: Eduplex, 2007/2013, funding and technology to ensure comprehensive audiological care for school children.
- South Africa, partner: Sound for Silence NPC, 2014, funding and technology for early identification and treatment of hearing loss.
- Uganda, partner: Kentalis International Foundation (KIF), 2013, funding to train local experts in basic pediatric audiological care to diagnose and treat hearing loss at an early stage.
- United Kingdom, partner: Mary Hare Foundation, 2011, hearing technology for better hearing in class rooms.
- United Kingdom, partner: Saturday Club of Deaf, 2011-2012, funding of a intercultural camp for children and young adults from the UK and Germany with hearing loss.
- USA, Appalachia, partner: Red Bird Mission and Clinic, since 2008, hearing aids and basic audiological care for the people from Appalachia. Read more
- USA, partner: The Center for Hearing and Speech, 2014, funding to train local experts and to improve audiological services.
- USA, partner: Willie Ross School for the Deaf, Inc., 2014, funding of a project to deploys qualified experts to help children with hearing loss and their families.
- USA, partner: Hands & Voices Inc., 2013, funding of a self-help program for parents of children with hearing loss.
- USA, partner: Vanderbilt University, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, since 2015, funding of a scholarship for an international audiology students with exceptional academic skills to complete the graduate degree in paediatric audiology at the Vanderbilt University. Read more
- USA, partner: UNC Chapel Hill, since 2010, a yearly fellowship grant to an outstanding student in Pediatric Audiology at the University of North Carolina. Read more
- USA, partner: Friends of Tennessee’s Babies with Special Needs (FRIENDS), 2016, donation of hearing aids to the Hearing Aid Loaner Bank to fit children birth to three with hearing loss. Read more
- Vietnam, partner: Caritas Switzerland, 2011, 2013, comprehensive audiological care for school children with hearing loss.
- Vietnam, partner: Global Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss (GFCHL), 2010-2016, funding, technology and expertise to build up three regional audiology centers and to train locals in ear medical care. Read more
- Worldwide, partner: Special Olympics, 2011, comprehensive audiological care for Special Olympics athletes with hearing loss.
- Worldwide, Hear the World project: "52 Children", since 2010, Hear the World project providing 52 children in need from all over the world with hearing aids and follow-up care. Read more